Taste Kaleidoscope

Organic Matcha Tea - Ceremonial Grade

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In collaboration with Taste Kaleidoscope we have sourced the very best ceremonial grade Matcha Tea - certified organic - especially for our DEA customers.

Unparalleled in nutrition and flavour this emerald coloured tea is the best we have ever encountered. Created in Uji (where it is grown on one of only 10 certified organic matcha tea farms), milled in Kagoshima, 15 minutes from Kyoto, it takes 1 hour to mill 1 gram of matcha tea.

Mood enhancing, it is rich in antioxidants, fibre and chlorophyll, as you drink the whole leaf which is painstakingly stone ground for maximum benefit.

We think you will adore this tea - its flavour creamy with no bitterness whatsoever.

weight: 30g

Matcha Tea.
Certified Organic.


See all elements of our Matcha Essentials set - everything you need for making delicious matcha tea - start with just the tea and whisk and add to your collection as you go. 

Perfect with our selection of beautiful handmade ceramic chawans (tea bowls).


